Archive-name: alt-sex/alt-sex-wanted-faq Posting-Frequency: semi-irregularly Last-modified: 07 January 1995 In article , Clueless Newbie wrote: > Hey, D00DZ! I just stumbled onto this group for... uh... Is this >for real? What's with all of the FAGZ, though? Don't they know God says >that's a sin??? And what's with all of the people posting from outside >of Ittybitty, Kansas? I only saw one post from a girl saying she was >desperate to get laid, but I didn't know how to respond. I posted an ad >saying I wuz horny six times, but I haven't heard anything yet, except >a followup telling me to read the FAQ. Where are the W0M3N? There don't >seem to be any! What do they want? I WANNA G3T LAID!! My spouse is a >dud, and I need some action; call me at 555-BOZO. > >PS: What's a FAQ? And what's an ObSexWanted? Well, actually, they didn't, but close enough has been seen. This is the FAQ, which will deal with our above clueless (if hypothetical) post point by point, hopefully in an entertaining fashion. -======================================================================- > Hey, D00DZ! I just stumbled onto this group A: Welcome aboard. If you don't approve of what's posted here, smile, unsubscribe, and be glad that this group keeps it out of the rest of the net. If you leave, don't bother flaming, whether about the fact that there are lots of randy people trying desperately (perhaps hopelessly) to hook up, about the morality of sex or any of the variants requested, about there being no chance; don't bother making ignorant allegations about the folks who read or post to the group, suggesting the use of a manual alternative, et cetera.... We are all aware, unlikely to be swayed by the likes of you, and have heard it before. And the last guy was more eloquent. Please go over to or alt.flame for such, as they have a staff skilled at flaming y'all out of orbit. >for... uh... A: The group was created to get the requests for erotic stories out of (at which it has failed). It *does* serve to get the "I WANNA G3T LAID, D00D3TT3Z!" posts off of most the rest of the net, and thus justifies its existence. While such posts are not uncommon and tolerated on itself, they are probably better placed here. In short, is for requesting explicit GIF sites, literary erotica, exchanges of erotic e-mail, and yes, trying to set up physical carnal encounters. This doesn't mean you *will* actually get what you want, just that you can try; it also does not mean that you won't get something you *don't* want, like harassing phone calls, wrong gender responses, or an STD. Life does not come with assurances. It is not the place for *posting* images, literary erotica, explicit GIF sites, et cetera. If you're posting something anywhere near the length of this FAQ, you probably shouldn't be. You also should be careful about posting your opinions about other people's ads; your biases, such as towards heterosexuality or non-married individuals, may only be *your* biases. Morality is not the essential issue, here. It also has been used for some time to post ads for erotic BBS's, Party Lines, et cetera, since there really wasn't any place else more appropriate. There is a newsgroup ( specifically for such ads. If you want to advertise, please do it on that group. (Ask your system administrator to please carry a.s.e.m!) >Is this for real? A: Well, some men pose as women; some women as men; people can forge articles, or use accounts which have been cracked or left logged in; people post things saying they want one thing, when actually they have hopes for another; there's no good way to verify most of the information posted here; some people post other people's addresses or phone numbers for harassment purposes; and anonymous remailers make all these potentially worse.... Yes, it's for real. But nigh everything should be taken slowly and with caution. Good advice in general for sex, I suppose, but that's beyond where I'll claim expert status. >What's with all of the FAGS, though? Don't they know God says that's a >sin??? A: Ah, the number three flame war on the net. Ahem: "What's with all of the silly breeder boys posting drivel when they haven't a bat's chance in hell?" Does that help your perspective? Not everyone out there is hetero, especially on the net. Please leave the homosexuality flame war over in, too, along with the others. As a related side issue, saying what gender and what your sexual orientation are will keep you and other people from being annoyed by time wasting confused e-mail. If you don't say what *you* are, as well as what/who you are looking for, how will you connect? The usual convention has a set of acronyms: ISO for "In Search Of", SWM for "Straight White Male", GBF for "Gay Black Female", BiAF for "Bisexual Asian Female", and so forth. (Usually on the "S" at the beginning stands for Straight, and not for Single, although this isn't a hard and fast rule.) >And what's with all the people posting from outside of Ittybitty, >Kansas? A: The net is international in scope, not a local BBS. People post to this from all over, not just in your area. This means you may hear >from people from further than you're willing to travel. (Where did you hear sex was easy?) >I only saw one post from a girl saying she was desperate to get laid A: Such is *probably* (but not certainly) a fake. News articles are occasionally forged; passwords are stolen, or foolishly shared; people forget to log out. A fair number of the ads posted are fakes; perhaps not especially from females, but they seem to be subject to the most, err... enthusiastic misguided responses. If it seems too good to be true, remember it might not be true. Be polite at first, and make sure it's real. ESPECIALLY, do not believe anyone who gives an e-mail address other than the one in the header. Anyone who says "please send e-mail to my friend" is almost certainly NOT a friend of that person. For that matter, don't believe "I'm using a friend's account, but please respond to mine at" too readily, either. Ladies and wenches, do not be surprised if doubts are expressed when you first post. It will pass soon, if you persist. And to people who think such jokes are funny, Hint: they aren't. >but I didn't know how to respond. A: Ask John Holowka <> or those who help run your site for help in using your system. Please note the difference between sending e-mail and posting a news article: E-mail gets sent to one person; news articles get seen by everyone on the group. If your system (for some reason) forbids you to post to a newsgroup, e-mail to gets posted non-anonymously. Uses of posting a news article: * If you are not sure whether your news system is working, then go over to the alt.test and misc.test newsgroups to see if it is working. NOT to, please. * If you want to send out a general ad for yourself, then post a news article. * If you would like to tell people that the author of another post is in fact a real, live, breathing (human being/AI, choose one) that you have met in the flesh, then send a followup. * If you would like to call someone an idiot, leave it to those who have been around for a long time and have gotten skilled at it. * ****NOT**** if you want to send an interested response to someone else's posted ad. This is what e-mail is for. Uses of sending e-mail: * If you want to respond to the person who sent something, use e-mail. * If you don't like this FAQ (or if you do, or if you have suggestions), send me e-mail. * If you generally want to complain (such as about the homosexuals on the group), you can also e-mail me about that, and I will be happy to discuss it or flame you as I see fit. Once Ed Ming used to, but he hasn't posted to since October. Feel free to try him, but I don't know if he's still responding. >I posted an ad saying I wuz horny six times, A: If you don't get a response from an ad, you might want to change your approach, or at least alter the wording. Of course, if the response is "RTFFAQ!" then you might want to change much more than the wording anyway. Similarly, imagination in a reply may well be more likely to get a response. Please remember, most people like to have a little imagination in their sex partners. And posting the same thing over, and over, and over, and... does not show much imagination. (IMHO) >but I haven't heard anything yet, A: Some things, like good food and good foreplay, take time. This forum is one of them. Rome wasn't built in a day, the stork has a nine month shipping delay, and all that rot. Depending on what you're looking for, response time varies from hours (if you want, say, a copy of a Purity Test), to until-hell-freezes-over-thaws-and-refreezes (if you want, say, Cindy Crawford herself). >except a followup telling me to read the FAQ. A: A good idea, even if it was probably me that told you to. While you're at it (if you haven't done so yet), check out the regular postings on news.announce.newusers and maybe the FAQ as well. You don't need to read everything posted in news.answers (where almost *all* FAQs, including this one, get cross-posted), but it might give you something to do while waiting for Godot, Judgment Day, and a favorable response to the sample ad. >Where are the W0M3N? There don't seem to be any! A: Well, there are. Some even post somewhat regularly. Some just lurk. In about the past few weeks before I first made this, my very non-random sample noticed about a dozen or so posting. They mainly seem scarce because there are so many guys. This reflects the net. (The median estimate is around 1 in 6 a.s.w readers is female; "your mileage may vary".) But hell gets chilly now and then, because I have seen an ad from a horny knockout model, whose description was verified by two other people. YES, IT HAPPENS. Also, when *any* female shows up, clueless folks tend to e-mail "wannafuck" messages no matter *what* she has said. This means many of them don't post, only listen. The law of supply and demand is on their side; they don't have to step forward publicly. Get a clue: don't e-mail "wannafuck" messages to everything female that posts. You'll give the group a bad rep, and it *WON'T WORK*. >What do they want? A: Reasons heard, as to why women are here: *!* Because someone faked a post from their account. * For laughs ("funnier than rec.humor.funny"). * To see what people are looking for-- an interest in sociology, so to speak. * Completeness-- if you read all of the other* groups, you might as well read this, too. * For the amusing personalities of the regular posters. * For assorted bizarre sado-masochistic reasons best discussed with their psychiatrist * On RARE Occasions... because they actually are looking for that someone interesting. >I WANNA G3T LAID!! A: OH! You want to actually know how to get *laid* here? Good question. To be blunt: if you are male, and straight, looking for a physical encounter, and not looking for a 3rd party with your present SO, then you *probably* won't. But there is a finite chance; it *has* happened. I repeat: YES, SOME PEOPLE HAVE GOTTEN RESPONSES. People actually do respond to some of these ads... emphasis on *SOME*. The abundance of straight male horny geeks means that those looking for a SMHG can pick and choose. A certain amount of style, class, wit, honesty, and romance demonstrated in posting (not to mention having a life[TM]) is almost certainly helpful for this sort of thing. Crudeness and a four-letter-word vocabulary is not certainly helpful. In addition, you may or may not be better off trying the bar scene, a 900 number, or other method, but that's a matter of personal taste, personal style, dubious opinion, and whether or not you're located in, say, Alaska. This, by the way, doesn't mean that if you are female, gay, are looking for something other than a physical encounter, and/or are looking for a third, you *will* find what you are looking for. Life doesn't come with assurances. >My spouse is a dud, and I need some action; call me at 555-BOZO. A: First off, remember that there are hundreds of thousands of people out there on this group. Someone may know who you are. Posting your phone number with such candid opinions may be hazardous to your marriage. Or even posting anything at all. Sex is a sport with hazards. (On the other hand, it's *your* marriage....) Second, this is a planet-wide group. Include an area code if you do choose to post your phone number. Third, if you want to use an anonymous remailer for anonymity, do not include your *real* e-mail or snail-mail address... this defeats the point of the server. Use your anonymous e-mail address, which should appear automagically in the header, or a snail-mail drop. Fourth, trust no name, e-mail address, phone number, gender, or whatnot posted anonymously, and be cautious of those e-mailed to you. Some people have poor taste in jokes. >PS: What's a FAQ? A: A FAQ is a "Frequently Asked Questions" list, usually posted on something resembling a regular basis, and also usually posted with answers to said questions. I (AB^2, Arthur Byrne, or, depending on whether you speak to me on the net, in person, or are a mailing program) assembled this one after vast irritation at the lack. To this end, I would like to thank those I considered to be cluefully challenged: Gregory John Casamento , K. D. Daniel , Lawrence P. Davis, Jr. , Lawrence P. Davis, Jr. , Lawrence P. Davis, Jr. , Steven Doyle , Gary Gambino, Sr. , Anders Hallquist , Brian M. Holder , Kiernan Holland , Anders Hultman , William B Kinman, IV , Anthony Licalzi , Darryl Moore , Christian-D. Montangero , Scott Rudy , Kevin Sands , Josh Trelease , Jared Wilkinson , "Beene88" , "Keith the Redneck" , "KipVON" , "Macheolor Nightshade" , "Mars" , "PBerg" , "Sam-I-Am" , "Ulysses" , K. D. Daniel , Anonymous , Anonymous , (No name given) ...and all the others whose behavior inspired me to get this lousy thing together and maintain it. The "sample" article I used is a fiction, based on a composite of some bad posts they... provided. Further newbies who inspire me to add new questions may be similarly immortalized as "fools", so to serve as warning. I do periodically remove names, as the list gets (IMHO) too long. On the other hand, this is crossposted to news.answers, which is periodically turned into CD-ROM. Since the question has been raised elsewhere, yes, this is [Copyright 1995 by Arthur B. Byrne] for all that's worth; if you want to reprint it a magazine, on CD-ROM, or whatnot, please contact me-- a copy of the whatnot is a nice token reprint fee. Comments and suggestions for additions can go to me. Flames, even. However, I can't help you read this or any other newsgroup if you can't already, find FTP sites for anything other than the purity tests (try, or assist you in getting much of anything *else* discussed here. (EG, laid. Unless, of course, you happen to be a heterosexual female inclined to travel to Charlottesville, Virginia. (Yeah, right. *I've* read this, too.)) >And what's an ObSexWanted? A: Something that some folks throw in at the close of a post when what they just posted would otherwise have nothing to do with the topic of wanting sex; sometimes serious, sometimes not. The "Ob" is short for "obligatory". Mine tend to be on the less than serious side. As an example.... ObSexWanted: Male with Sloe Gin and Vodka seeks Female with Orange Juice and Southern Comfort; object: slow, comfortable screw. AB^2 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Go not unto Usenet for advice, for the denizens will say both yes, and no, and maybe, and I don't know, and fuck off, and...." --Unknown net.wit -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Go not unto Usenet for advice, for the denizens will say both yes, and no, and maybe, and I don't know, and fuck off, and...." --Unknown net.wit